Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hackers and Predators ? The Dangers of Social Networking ...

Social Engineering and Phishing attacks (bad guys pretending to be someone else to obtain information from you) are some of the biggest threats against your network today. Why would hackers spend days, months, years trying to hack through a firewall or corporate website when they can get quick access by tricking someone to open a backdoored document or run a remote access program?

But how do these attackers know who to attack in a corporate network, or the best way to word a malicious communication attempt to get you to click on it?

Social Media sites!

Two years ago I became aware of a tactic of hackers gaining access to systems by targeting teens. Hackers created malicious sites based on popular teen based movies and pop stars. Now it seems that hackers and cyber criminals have shifted a lot of focus to social media sites.

Hackers target social sites like LinkedIn and even Facebook to to obtain tons of information about potential targets. As a matter of fact, Social Engineers have created bogus LinkedIn users and used a programming interface to easily search for users at a particular place of business and pull a lot of information from their account that could be used in a Social Engineering attack.

Unfortunately there is also a disturbing trend of stalkers and predators possibly using social media sites to track or find potential victims. For over a year and a half, the community awareness website showed internet users how easy it was to pull geotag information from pictures posted on social media sites. They would post a picture pulled from a social site along with the posters user name and? Their Location!

Sadly a recent story by the Associated Press talks about how predators in Indonesia were using Facebook to solicit young teenage girls, and then kidnap and traffic them:

?When a 14-year-old girl received a Facebook friend request from an older man she didn?t know, she accepted it out of curiosity. It?s a click she will forever regret, leading to a brutal story that has repeated itself as sexual predators find new ways to exploit Indonesia?s growing obsession with social media.

The junior high student was quickly smitten by the man?s smooth online flattery. They exchanged phone numbers, and his attention increased with rapid-fire texts. He convinced her to meet in a mall, and she found him just as charming in person.?

The young girl was smitten by the online user?s charm. The simple friend request, exchange of information and finally an in-person meeting led the 14 year old girl into the hands of a 24 year old predator. The monster kidnapped her, she was drugged, beaten and raped.

According to the article there were 7 girls this month in Indonesia who were abducted by people they had met on Facebook.

People are way to trusting on Social Media sites. Do not friend people that you do not know. Be careful how much information you put on business sites like LinkedIn. Keep an eye on young users using social media and warn them about the potential risks of strangers.

Social media is a great thing, it helps us keep in touch with friends, family and co-workers. But there are dangers with online networking. Surf safely!

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~ by D. Dieterle on October 30, 2012.


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46 dead, millions without power, transit after Sandy

As New York City and New Jersey slowly began digging out Tuesday, the scale of the devastation of Superstorm Sandy became heartbreakingly apparent, leaving 46 people dead and authorities with an enormous undertaking to restore power and transit for millions of others.

  1. New in this version

    • 46 people killed
    • Storm danger spreads north and south

"That recovery is a mammoth job," New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Tuesday evening, assessing the scope of a once-in-a-generation hurricane that swept homes into the ocean, flooded large swaths of coastal areas, left millions of people without power and crippled transportation.

Sandy by the numbers

  1. NBC News special report

    Contributing to this report were Chris Clackum, Bill Dedman, Jay Gray, Ian Johnston, Justin Kirschner, Shawna Thomas and Brittany Tom of NBC News; The Weather Channel; Telemundo Puerto Rico; and NBC stations NBC 4 in New York, NBC 10 in Philadelphia, NBC Connecticut in Hartford, WBIR of Knoxville, Tenn., WBOY of Clarksburg, W.Va., WCMH of Columbus, Ohio, and WVIR of Charlottesville, Va. Follow M. Alex Johnson on Twitter and Facebook.

President Barack Obama declared major disasters in New York City, New Jersey and Connecticut, promising that the federal government would do all it could to help local authorities cope with damage. The president was scheduled to visit damaged areas in New Jersey on Wednesday, the White House said.'s coverage of Sandy

Details of the devastation became clearer late Tuesday after authorities made their way through severely damaged areas across 20 states stretching from New England to Tennessee:

  • Forty-six people had been killed in the U.S., 23 of them in New York ? including 18 in New York City, NBC News reported. Six people had been killed in New Jersey, as well as? five in Pennsylvania; four in Connecticut; two apiece in Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia; and one each in North Carolina and Puerto Rico. Before it made its way north, Sandy was blamed for 68 other deaths in the Caribbean.
  • More than 6 million homes and businesses were without electricity, about half of them in New York and New Jersey. That number represents individual structures, including large businesses, meaning the number of people without light, heat or refrigeration is likely much higher.
  • More than 18,000 flights have been canceled so far, and New York City's airports remained closed Tuesday. Amtrak canceled all of its Northeast Corridor rail service, in addition to some other lines.
  • Subway service was unlikely to resume for four to five days, Bloomberg said, but free bus service had resumed on a Saturday schedule, and about 4,000 cabs were running on city streets. PATH train service between Manhattan and New Jersey is likely to be suspended for seven to 10 days, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said.
  • The Metropolitan Transportation Authority said the South Ferry subway station was "flooded up to the ceiling," while each tube of the Hugh L. Carey Tunnel ? better known as the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel ? was filled with 43 million gallons of water.
  • At least four towns in north New Jersey were submerged by up to 6 feet of water after a levee broke.
  • A half-dozen nuclear power plants were shut down or otherwise affected, while the nation's oldest facility declared a rare "alert" after the record storm surge pushed flood waters high enough to endanger a key cooling system.
  • Major U.S. stock exchanges were closed Tuesday for a second day, but they planned to reopen Wednesday.

Sandy leaves NYC subway system, infrastructure licking its wounds

In Breezy Point, a seaside community in Queens, N.Y., a massive fire of undetermined origin destroyed at least 110 homes and damaged 20 others. Firefighters had difficulty reaching the blaze because of the severe weather.

"To describe it as looking like pictures we've seen of the end of World War II is not overstating it," Bloomberg said. "The area was completely leveled. Chimneys and foundations were all that was left of many of these homes."

It remained impossible to put a dollar value on Sandy's destruction. Insured losses alone will run from $7 billion to $15 billion, according to an estimate published late Tuesday by AIR Worldwide, a catastrophe modeling firm.

"I think the losses will be almost incalculable," Christie said on NBC's TODAY show.

Video: NYC flooded by record storm surge (on this page)

Even as attention was riveted on New York and New Jersey, Sandy had already moved on, remaining a dangerous storm as it dispersed north and south.

Get live coverage on the storm from

About 90,000 customers were without power Tuesday in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec, the Energy Ministry said. At least one death was reported in Toronto after a woman in her 50s was hit in the head by a sign Monday night, NBC News Channel reported.

Sandy hit the mountains of West Virginia and North Carolina with full-blown blizzards, part of a storm-generated snow system stretching as far west as Kentucky and Ohio, where several inches of snow fell in Champaign County.

Officials said the 14 to 16 inches that blanketed Newfound Gap, on the Tennessee-North Carolina line, was believed to be biggest October snowfall on record. Parts of eastern Virginia were under a blizzard warning through Wednesday morning, with snowfall at 1 to 2 inches an hour expected.

'The worst that we have ever experienced'
Tuesday's disaster declarations for New York City, New Jersey and Connecticut mean federal funds will be available to people affected by the storm.

"This was a devastating storm, maybe the worst that we have ever experienced," Bloomberg said, adding that schools would remained closed Wednesday.

The historic storm, which made landfall at 6:45 p.m. ET Monday, hurled a wall of water up to 13 feet high at the Northeast coast. It surged into Lower Manhattan and areas of Brooklyn, submerging entire streets and parks. A record tide of 13.88 feet was set at The Battery in Lower Manhattan on Monday night, breaking the previous record of 11.2 feet in 1821.

Slideshow: Sandy slams into East Coast (on this page)

The powerful storm flooded sections of Atlantic City and other areas of the New Jersey shore. Part of the Atlantic City boardwalk was washed away.

Atlantic City's casinos, which were closed Sunday afternoon, may not reopen until Thursday, officials said. Although they sustained only minor damage, the flooding and heavy damage to surrounding infrastructure means employees and customers can't get to them.

Officials estimated that the casinos alone are losing $5 million every day they're shuttered.

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Ukraine's ruling party leads in parliament vote criticized by Western observers as biased

KIEV, Ukraine - The Ukrainian president's party will retain its strong grip on power, according to returns Monday from a parliamentary election that was criticized by Western observers as unfair and biased against the opposition.

The West was paying close attention to Sunday's vote in the strategic ex-Soviet state of 46 million people, which lies between Russia and the European Union and serves as a key transit nation for Russian energy supplies to many EU countries.

Observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe called the vote a setback to Ukraine's democratic and European aspirations. That assessment could lead to a further freeze in Kyiv's ties with the West and push it closer to Russia.

Monitors said the election was marred by the absence of jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and another opposition leader, the ruling party's use of government funding for the campaign and the skewed media coverage that favoured the ruling party. While the voting process got positive ratings at most polling stations observed, the vote tallying lacked transparency, the group said.

"Considering the abuse of power and the excessive role of money in this election, democratic progress appears to have reversed in Ukraine," said Walburga Habsburg Douglas, the special co-ordinator who led the OSCE election observation mission. "We do not think that this election was fair because it was not level."

"Ukrainians deserved better from these elections," said Andreas Gross, the Head of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe delegation. "Unfortunately, the great democratic potential of Ukrainian society was not realized in yesterday's vote."

President Viktor Yanukovych's Russia-friendly Party of Regions was leading in the count with 34 per cent of the vote. Tymoshenko's pro-Western party was second with 23 per cent, trailed by the Communists, Yanukovych's traditional allies, with 15 per cent. Another liberal party, Udar (Punch), led by world boxing champion Vitali Klitschko had 13 per cent and the far-right Svoboda (Freedom) party had 9 per cent.

Yanukovych's party benefited strongly from an electoral change last year that replaced the strictly proportional electoral system with a mixed one, in which half of parliament's seats are elected based on party lists and the other half in individual races.

Despite a combined strong showing of opposition parties, Yanukovych's party was poised to retain its parliamentary majority as its candidates were expected to take the lead in individual races, benefitting from greater access to government funds and the opposition's fielding of multiple candidates.

Tymoshenko's party alleged widespread violations such as vote-buying and multiple voting. Tymoshenko, who was sentenced last year to seven years in prison for abuse of office in a trial condemned by the West as politically motivated, launched a hunger strike to protest the vote violations.

The Party of Regions defended Sunday's election, saying it reflected the people's will.

"We received a great credit of trust from the voters who said that we are moving down the right path," said Yanukovych adviser Hanna Herman.

The opposition tapped into the anger over Tymoshenko's jailing, the country's rampant corruption and a stagnant economy to make a strong showing in the proportional section of the vote. It remains to be seen whether Tymoshenko's group, Klitschko's party and the radical Svoboda can form a strong alliance.

"The Party of Regions won by the number of points, but the opposition scored a moral victory," said Kyiv-based political expert Volodymyr Fesenko. "The monopoly on power will be harder to maintain."

Experts say while Yanukovych's supporters seem poised to retain their parliament majority, they will fall short of winning the two-thirds of seats needed to change the constitution.

Political analyst Vadym Karasyov said the new parliament will be "turbulent" and the opposition will seek to block some of the undemocratic initiatives the president may launch.

"Yanukovych can get a simple majority, but it doesn't mean anything, because without a constitutional majority in parliament he cannot radically change anything," Karasyov said.

The showing of the far-right Svoboda party, which had been expected to barely pass the 5 per cent vote threshold, emerged as a big surprise.

Svoboda, which campaigns for the preservation of the Ukrainian language and culture and strongly attacks Yanukovych, is also known for xenophobic and anti-Semitic rhetoric. Analysts said the party's popularity was due more to many Ukrainians' anger with the ruling party than vehemently nationalist views.


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How to Know If Your Parents Are Ready for a Retirement Home ...

Oct 30, 2012 by admin

Making the decision that your parents are ready for a retirement home isn?t one that many kids ever want to have to make.? Helping your parents move onto this next stage of life is sure to be filled with emotion and mixed feelings.? That?s not to say there aren?t many high quality assisted living facilities out there, but there just seems to be something backward about making the choice for your parents.

If you aren?t sure what to do, consider some of these factors to help you along.?elderly couple

Asking Questions

The best way to get to the bottom of any decision is to ask a lot of questions, and deciding if it?s time for a retirement home is no different.? There?s a good chance that the parent in question isn?t going to volunteer, so you?ll have to ask yourself some important questions to get a handle on the situation.


  • Has he or she worn the same clothes more than one time you?ve been over to visit?
  • Does your parent tell you that she is eating regularly, but you notice food going bad in the fridge?
  • Is he or she attempting to cover up bruises from falls that you aren?t supposed to see?
  • Is the house or yard as neat as it once was?
  • Are medications being taken effectively and regularly?
  • Does he or she respond properly to an emergency?
  • Are there unpaid bills piling up?
  • Do appliances get left on after they are used?
  • Realistically, does your parent need help for even an hour or two each day?

If you actually delve into the questions and look at the situation with open eyes, you?ll probably get a good sense of whether your parent should be in a retirement home or not.? If you can look past your own misgivings and any protests your parent might have to offer, you should be able to know exactly how to proceed.

Choosing Assisted Living

If you get to the point where a retirement home is really the only viable solution, here are some tips:

  • Plan Ahead ? the last thing you want is to feel rushed with a decision like this.? Take your time, and visit retirement homes even before one is really necessary.
  • Check for Safety ? with all the horror stories everyone hears about assisted living facilities, it makes sense to check to see if the place has all the right licenses and certifications, and is adequately staffed.? You?ll also want to know if it has any complaints or violations against it.
  • Speak to Residents & Their Visitors ? the people who reside in the retirement home and more specifically their family members will tell you the truth about whether they are cared for properly.
  • Bring a Friend Along ? avoid researching retirement homes all on your own.? Due to the magnitude of the situation, it?s easy to get distracted, so bring a friend along and compare notes

This post is brought to you by Heather Smith, a real estate agent with 10 years of experience in the industry. Making the decision to send her parents to a retirement home was not an easy choice. To do the job right, she recommends They are a directory listing showcasing various seniors housing Edmonton, Ottawa and across Canada.


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Hey Disney, Here's How To Make A Great 'Star Wars 7'

With seventh episode coming in 2015, Disney and Lucasfilm have some things to learn before then.
By Kevin P. Sullivan

Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen in "Star Wars: Episode II - Atack of the Clones"
Photo: Lucasfilm


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Another Tibetan in western China self-immolates

BEIJING A Tibetan farmer set himself ablaze in front of a market in remote northwest China in the second self-immolation death near the Labrang Monastery in two days, a rights group said.

The monastery in Gansu province's Xiahe county is one of the most important outside of Tibet and was the site of numerous protests by monks following deadly ethnic riots in Tibet in 2008 that were the most sustained Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule in decades.

The Washington-based International Campaign for Tibet said in an email that Dorje Rinchen, a farmer in his late 50s, set himself on fire Tuesday on the main street in Xiahe and died later.

The group sent a photo allegedly showing Dorje wrapped in blankets after the immolation, his neck and head badly charred and swollen. It was not clear whether he was still alive when the blurry, poorly lit picture was taken.

The group quoted a Tibetan from Xiahe who currently lives in exile as saying that Dorje had counseled young Tibetans not to self-immolate.

A woman who answered the phone at the Xiahe Public Security Bureau refused to answer questions about the self-immolation and the phone of the local Communist Party propaganda office rang unanswered Wednesday. The number for the Labrang Monastery appeared to not be in service.

On Monday, a Tibetan herdsman died after setting himself on fire near the monastery.

Dozens of Tibetans have set themselves on fire since March 2011 in ethnic Tibetan areas of China in protest over what activists say is Beijing's heavy-handed rule in the region. Many have called for the return of their spiritual leader, the exiled Dalai Lama. The government has confirmed some, but not all, of the self-immolations.

Chinese authorities routinely deny Tibetan claims of repression and have accused supporters of the Dalai Lama of encouraging the self-immolations. The Dalai Lama and representatives of the self-declared Tibetan government-in-exile in India say they oppose all violence.


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Precisely targeted electrical brain stimulation alters perception of faces

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

In a painless clinical procedure performed on a patient with electrodes temporarily implanted in his brain, Stanford University doctors pinpointed two nerve clusters that are critical for face perception. The findings could have practical value in treating people with prosopagnosia ? the inability to distinguish one face from another ? as well in gaining an understanding of why some of us are so much better than others at recognizing and remembering faces.

In a study to be published Oct. 24 in the Journal of Neuroscience, the scientists showed that mild electrical stimulation of two nerve clusters spaced a half-inch apart in a brain structure called the fusiform gyrus caused the subject's perception of faces to instantly become distorted while leaving his perception of other body parts and inanimate objects unchanged.

The surprised reaction of the subject, Ron Blackwell of Santa Clara, Calif., is captured in a video made during the procedure. "You just turned into somebody else. Your face metamorphosed," he tells the researcher in the video.

Blackwell, who is now 47, was undergoing medical treatment under the direction of Josef Parvizi, MD, PhD, associate professor of neurology and neurological sciences at the School of Medicine, whose lab collaborates with that of Kalanit Grill-Spector, PhD, associate professor of psychology at the School of Humanities and Sciences.

The face Blackwell was looking at was Parvizi's. "Ron didn't see my face vaporize or go blank. Instead, it just seemed to warp before his eyes," Parvizi said.

In 2010, Grill-Spector and then-graduate student Kevin Weiner (now a postdoctoral researcher in Grill-Spector's lab and a co-author of the new study) discovered that the fusiform gyrus contains two nerve clusters (designated as pFus and mFus) that respond more strongly to faces than to hands, legs, cars, guitars, flowers or buildings.

Grill-Spector's lab has been studying the fusiform gyrus' role in face recognition as well as in prosopagnosia or "face blindness," a condition made famous by neurologist and author Oliver Sacks, MD, who himself suffers from it. People with prosopagnosia simply cannot distinguish one face from another, although all other aspects of their vision and visual-information processing are normal. Some people, like Sacks, are born with the condition while others acquire it as a result of an injury to the fusiform gyrus, Grill-Spector said.

"We can learn a lot about the function of different brain regions by studying these disorders and relating them to the anatomical sites where brain damage has occurred," she said. "But the injuries vary a great deal from one affected person to the next, and they are typically not confined to the fusiform gyrus. This limits our ability to localize a particular deficit to a particular brain site."

Blackwell's arrival at Stanford Hospital & Clinics, along with a generous slice of serendipity, allowed the Stanford doctors to conduct the first-ever study of the fusiform gyrus combining two imaging techniques (fMRI and electrocorticography, or intracranial recording) and electrical brain stimulation. The result was the first-ever proof that appropriate activity in the two nerve clusters, pFus and mFus, was critical to face recognition.

Blackwell had time on his hands. He was spending a week in a bed at Stanford Hospital with a packet of electrodes snugly abutting a part of his brain that doctors believed might be the initiating site, or focus, of his epileptic seizures. These seizures, which he'd been experiencing since age 11, had been well-controlled by drugs. But by late 2010, his medication was failing.

Blackwell was married and the father of two young girls. "It wasn't just me anymore. I didn't want to be vulnerable to disorienting episodes that could occur at any time of the day or night," he said. Referred by his primary physician to Parvizi, he learned of a medical procedure that might provide relief.

Epileptic seizures are, at root, electrical storms triggered when a short circuit at one small spot within the brain, called the focus, causes waves of electrical activity to spread throughout the organ. (The exact location varies from patient to patient.) Most of the time seizures can be controlled with medication. When they can't, one proven treatment involves a surgical procedure in which a portion of the patient's skull is temporarily removed, allowing access to the surface of the brain near the spot thought to be responsible for initiating the seizures. A packet containing numerous electrode leads is placed near the brain's surface, with each electrode acting like a separate stethoscope monitoring the collective electrical activity of perhaps a half-million nerve cells. (That's a drop in the bucket, considering that a healthy human brain contains 200 billion of them.) The patient remains off medication for several days, eventually culminating in the onset of seizure activity and allowing the neurological team to identify the focus. Surgeons may then be able to excise just enough brain tissue to halt the cycle of self-propagating electrical activity ? in effect, pulling out a fuse in order to break the short circuit ? without affecting any important brain functions.

In September 2011, Blackwell was set to undergo the weeklong monitoring procedure. Based on a thorough neurological workup, electrodes were placed on the surface of a brain region that included the fusiform gyrus, a structure roughly the shape of a hand-rolled cigarette, on the underside of the temporal lobe.

Electrical brain stimulation requires the flow of electricity from one electrode across a small patch of brain tissue to another electrode spaced 1 cm away. It so happens that pFus and mFus, which account for perhaps one-quarter of the fusiform gyrus' bulk, are also 1 cm apart. By fate, two of the inserted electrodes had been positioned almost precisely above the anatomical centers of pFus and mFus in Blackwell's fusiform gyrus, forming a pair that enabled Parvizi to apply the stimulation directly to the two sites simultaneously at the touch of a button.

Doing so instantly altered Blackwell's perception of Parvizi's face. "You almost look like somebody I've seen before, but somebody different," he reported. "... You were someone else. Your whole face just sort of metamorphosed ... it's almost like the shape of your facial features drooped."

When the stimulation was halted, the distorted image of Parvizi's face immediately reverted to the normal one, Blackwell reported. Neither sham stimulation, in which a button was pushed but no actual electrical impulse was delivered to pFus and mFus, nor stimulation of nearby sites via other electrode pairs had any effect on Blackwell's face perception. Stimulating pFus and mFus caused no distortion of other objects in the room, he reported.

Throughout this procedure's duration, Parvizi didn't know what to expect. "I was as surprised as the patient was when he suddenly saw my features seem to melt," Parvizi said.

In a follow-on imaging study of Blackwell's brain using a high-resolution fMRI technique that could discriminate among locations as little as 1.8 mm apart, Grill-Spector and her students confirmed Parvizi's findings. Blackwell's pFus and mFus clusters responded with heightened activity to images of faces, but not to those of hands, feet, flowers, cars, guitars, cars or houses.

The Stanford team of neurologists succeeded in locating the focus of Blackwell's seizures, but decided that removing it would be risky because it was too close to other key parts of the brain. But oddly, since the removal of the electrodes, his medication seems to be working again and his seizures have inexplicably abated to a significant extent, for which he thanks God, he said in a recent interview.


Stanford University Medical Center:

Thanks to Stanford University Medical Center for this article.

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NESCom students work with some of country music's biggest acts on ...

BANGOR, Maine ? Country music fans have reason to be envious of seven New England School of Communications seniors who recently were surrounded by some of the best the genre has to offer.

The group returned this week from an immersive weeklong cruise, where country music was a constant companion. While nearly 2,400 adoring country music fans took in more than 100 live performances, NESCom students worked behind the scenes to make sure the shows went on without a hitch.

The idea to bring the students onboard came from Tim Cabral, a 1990 NESCom graduate, who started Florida-based Cruise Production, a company that organizes cruises featuring music from artists ranging from Tim McGraw and Lynyrd Skynyrd to KISS and New Kids on the Block.

The roster on the Norwegian ?Pearl? as it visited the Caribbean Oct. 14-21 included headliner Blake Shelton, and country stars Trace Adkins, Lee Brice, Easton Corbin, Randy Houser, Jerrod Niemann and Neal McCoy along with 17 up-and-coming country acts.

?This was the best of the best, I swear half of Nashville was there,? said Eric Ferguson, interim director of Audio Engineering at NESCom who went with the students.

Cabral reached out to NESCom to offer an opportunity for seniors in the school?s Live Sound Technology program to work as stage crew on board the ship during its week at sea.

Cabral?s company covered plane tickets and other travel expenses and gave the students rooms on the ship in exchange for their work setting up shows, according to Ferguson.

?It was actually kind of thrown in my lap,? Ferguson said.

He said some of his students hadn?t flown before, and one had never left the state. One thing all students had in common is a passion for music and desire to work in the industry.

?Being on the ship really opened up the eyes of all of us,? said Chris Daniels, a 21-year-old NESCom student from Exeter, N.H., who worked on the cruise. He said students worked long days setting up equipment for performers around the ship. The group ran wires and set up amplifiers, microphones and other equipment for various musicians who played on stages across the ship, including poolside, Daniels said.

?We worked with an outstanding crew who really knew their stuff,? Daniels said.

While Daniels said he and his classmates aren?t huge fans of country music, they appreciate any genre and are just happy to have the opportunity to get involved in the music industry and meet artists and potential future employers.

?We all have a great skillset coming from the sound program [at NESCom],? Daniels said.

Ferguson said the trip was a success. Every student came away with offers for summer freelance work in the music industry, he said.

?They shined, the students did so well,? Ferguson said, adding that he fielded compliments from performers, crew members and other staff on the ship, who lauded the students for their hard work and strong understanding of audio technology.

?It was an outstanding experience that I wouldn?t trade for anything,? Daniels said.

Cabral has cruises booked through 2015 and has told the school he?s likely to invite more seniors to come help out in the future and learn more about what goes on behind the curtain in the music industry, Ferguson said.

NESCom will host an open house from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 27, for anyone who might be interested in attending the school for any of its programs, according to Ferguson.


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

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On to state: Fort Mill, Nation Ford bands


After a successful afternoon at the Upper State competition on Saturday, both Fort Mill and Nation Ford marching bands advanced to the State competition scheduled for Saturday.

Nation Ford finished third in the Class 4AUpper State competition, held at Boiling Springs High School. This is the first year the band has competed in 4A.

Fort Mill returned to 4A for the first time in three years. They finished fourth place at Upper State. The last time the Fort Mill band competed in 4A, 2009, it took home the state title.

Among the top bands were several others from York County. Northwestern and Rock Hill high schools were awarded first and second place, respectively. Clover High School finished in sixth place.

Fort Mill and Nation Ford will perform in the State competition at Spring Valley High School on Saturday. Fort Mill performs at 7:30 p.m. Nation Ford performs at 8 p.m. The last band performs at 9 p.m. and awards will be handed out afterward.

Nation Ford Band Director Martin Dickey said the band will spend the week continuing to make improvements to its show based on feedback from judges at the Bands of America Regional Championship in Alabama, which Nation Ford attended several weeks ago.

?Our goal is just to be competitive,? Dickey said. ?You never know what six or seven judges? opinions are going to be so you just do the best you can do and let everything else happen the way it does. You can?t control those things. All we control is doing the best we can.?

Fort Mill?s Director, John Pruitt, could not immediately be reached for comment.

Indian Land High School Marching Band also competed in the Upper State competition on Saturday, in Class 2A. The band did not score high enough to qualify for the State competition, though it did have ?one of our best visual runs ever since I have been at Indian Land,? said director Mathew Willis.

The band will perform on Oct. 27 at the Mighty Knight Invitational at Ardrey Kell.

For State competition results, visit the Fort Mill Times Facebook page or Twitter account @fortmilltimes.


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CPD Blog ? Blog Archive ? URLEND, IDASL trainees attend ...

Trainees from two projects with the Center for Persons with Disabilities attended a major conference in Houston, Tex., last week without ever leaving home. The two-day conference, originating from Baylor Medical Center, focused on challenges and supports available to transition youth with significant medical issues from pediatric to adult care, said Dr. Judith Holt, co-director of the Utah Regional Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (URLEND) project. Significant medical issues, Holt said, could include chronic medical conditions such as cystic fibrosis or cardiac problems to developmental issues like autism.

?Attendance at the conference was not required, but the trainees can use the hours toward meeting their overall hour requirement,? Holt said. ?It?s an example of the opportunities the trainees have here at the Center for Persons with Disabilities.?

According to Holt, only a few members of the 2012 cohort of 48 trainees attended portions of the conference in the CPD?s distance learning room, but many more viewed it from eight different URLEND sites in five states. Trainees from the CPD?s Interdisciplinary Disability Awareness and Service Learning (IDASL) project also attended.

URLEND trainees participated in the 13th annual conference by invitation, Holt said, and the program was able to utilize a single access code for all of the sites because the trainees were so spread out.

?I was really very impressed with it,? Holt said. ?The speakers were excellent. It?s another opportunity for trainees in our programs to participate in high-level conferences on significant topics.?

URLEND trainees from a variety of disciplines are brought together with faculty and families of children with special health care needs to form an interdisciplinary learning cohort. Each long-term trainee participates in didactic (classroom) learning, leadership research, and clinical learning. Disciplines include pediatric medicine, genetics, and dentistry; psychology; social work; nursing; audiology; pediatric audiology; health administration; nutrition; special education; speech and language pathology; occupation therapy; and physical therapy.

IDASL provides opportunities for students, as well as individuals with disabilities and family members of children with disabilities, to become part of interdisciplinary teams. These teams, with faculty mentors, provide services and supports to children with disabilities and their families, as well as adults with disabilities.

For more information, visit:




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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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Private equity firm to buy for $1.6B - Ledger-Enquirer


This undated image provided by shows a family tree made on the genealogy website which agreed to be acquired by a group led by European private equity firm Permira Funds in a cash deal valued at about $1.6 billion on Monday, Oct . 22, 2012. The offered price of $32 per share is a nearly 10 percent premium over Friday?s closing price of $29.18. shares jumped 7.8 percent, or $2.28, to $31.46 in Monday afternoon trading. ? AP Photo

? Genealogy website has agreed to be acquired by a group led by European private equity firm Permira Funds in a cash deal valued at about $1.6 billion.

The offered price of $32 per share is a nearly 10 percent premium over Friday's closing price of $29.18.'s shares jumped 7.8 percent, or $2.26, to close at $31.44 Monday.

The company operates a website for researching family history and has more than 2 million paying subscribers. It says more than 10 billion records have been added to its site over the past 15 years. The company develops and acquires systems that digitize handwritten historical documents, and it works with government archives, historical societies and religious institutions around the world.

Earlier this year, created a nationwide name index from the 1940 U.S. Census after the National Archives posted it online. The index makes it easier for researchers to look up digital images of the actual census forms on's website because they don't need a subject's exact address.

Cantor Fitzgerald analyst Youssef Squali called "the world's largest online resource for family history" in a recent note.

Ancestry's services were used on the NBC show "Who Do You Think You Are?" which tracked celebrities as they researched their family history. also was a sponsor of the show, and its shares took a hit in May, when NBC said it would not renew for a fourth season.

But Squali said the show will likely be revived on a cable network.

The company went public in 2009. Last year, it earned $62.9 million, or $1.29 per share, on nearly $400 million in revenue. said Monday the $32-per-share buyout offer represented a 41 percent premium over its closing price in early June before reports surfaced that the company had retained a financial adviser for a possible sale. Company shares have climbed from around $21 in early June and hit a 52-week high of $33.80 in early August before dropping back.

In July, The New York Times had reported that was in talks with Providence Equity Partners and TPG Capital, as well as Permira, about a possible deal.

Citi analyst Mark S. Mahaney said in a research note he didn't anticipate a new bidder emerging for the company "given that the sales process appears to have been ongoing for at least (four) months."

Mahaney said he has long viewed as an attractive asset. He noted that the company has an increasing global presence and "a significantly under-penetrated market opportunity." said there will be no anticipated changes in its operating structure with the deal. The company will remain based in Provo, Utah, and it will continue to focus on investing in content, technology and expanding product offerings in areas like DNA.

CEO Tim Sullivan and Chief Financial Officer Howard Hochhauser will keep a majority of their equity stakes, and Spectrum Equity will remain an investor. Spectrum owns a 30 percent stake in the company.

The company expects the deal to close early next year. It will announce third-quarter earnings on Wednesday.

AP Writer Randy Herschaft contributed to this report from New York.


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We want Refinery29 Beauty to be your daily destination for all things beauty, and we really want to hear what you think. Our biggest source of inspiration has been ? and will always be ? YOU, so please chime in and share your piece of the beauty conversation. Got a great beauty tip? Tell us. Excited about a recent miracle mascara find? Spill the deets! We can't wait to connect with you about what inspires you, what you want to see on the site, and, of course, what irritates you to no end. Call us corny, but we believe in women supporting and learning from each other, so let's get this lovefest started!

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Photos: Mark Iantosca; Bec Lorrimer


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Monday, October 22, 2012

Orionid meteor shower: Watch for fireballs during weekend peak

One of the more spectacular meteor showers of the year peaks overnight Saturday, with perhaps 60 visible meteors an hour. Fireballs ? any meteor brighter than Venus ? are likely as Orionids plunge into the atmosphere at 148,000 miles per hour.

By Pete Spotts,?Staff writer / October 19, 2012

Streaking fireballs light up California skies Oct. 17, the first night of the annual Orionid meteor shower, which runs through Oct. 25.

Phil Terzian/AP


Skywatchers in the northern and southern hemispheres are in for a treat overnight Saturday, when the annual Orionid meteor shower ? an intimate encounter with remnants of comet Halley?s tail ? is expected to peak.

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Weather willing, at least 25 meteors an hour should be visible in the predawn hours Sunday morning. By then, a crescent moon will have set, allowing a larger number of fainter meteors to stand out against the night sky.

But NASA?s all-sky cameras already are detecting meteor rates that suggest the show could be better, perhaps approaching 60 meteors an hour, says Bill Cooke, a meteor specialist at the NASA?s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., and head of the agency?s Meteoroid Environment Office.

?I?m cautiously optimistic,? he says of the shower, which began Oct. 17 and runs through Oct. 25 at a sky above you.

As if on cue, a fireball visible throughout much of central and southern California streaked across the sky Oct. 17, shortly before 8 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time. Observers reported three sonic booms tied to the fireball after it disappeared.

However, the event may have had little to do with the meteor shower. Long-time meteor observers, including Mike Hankey with the American Meteor Society, point out that meteors from comets tend to be tiny grains of ice and dust. This reflects the composition of the comets that shed the detritus as they make their closest approach to the sun and heat up. This material vaporizes at very high altitudes.

The object that plunged to Earth Wednesday evening ? which some witnesses said broke into fragments as it plunged ? was more likely a chunk of asteroid. The sonic booms people heard indicate that it reached the lower atmosphere.

Even so, Orionid meteoroids generate fireballs as well, Mr. Cooke says, owing to the high speeds at which they enter the atmosphere. At 148,000 miles an hour, these meteoroids are outpaced only by meteoroids associated with the Leonid shower, which appears each November.

?If I?m blazing into the atmosphere fast, I don?t have to be very big to leave a brilliant mark in the sky,? he says.

The fireballs the Orionids generate occur at altitudes of about 60 miles. A fireball is defined as any meteor brighter than Venus. NASA has logged at least two Orionid fireballs so far during this month?s shower.

The shower takes its name from the constellation Orion. The shower?s radiant ? the region of the sky from which the meteors appear to emerge ? appears just to the left of Orion?s right shoulder, marked by Betelgeuse, a red supergiant star and one of the largest, brightest stars in the night sky.

Part of the shower?s appeal lies in its radiant?s classy location. It sits surrounded by some of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky: Gemini; Orion, with his belt and sword; and Canis Major, Orion?s hunting companion. Canis Major hosts the double star Sirius. At 8.6 light-years from Earth, Sirius A, the brightest of the two, outshines all the other stars visible to the naked eye.

So while you wait for a meteor, you still have other cosmic eye candy to enjoy.

Beyond the beauty, Cooke adds, is the fact that the meteors are from Halley?s comet, providing an annual show that outclasses the last appearance of Halley itself in 1986, which he witnessed, and is likely to outclass Halley?s next appearance in 2061.

?This is my consolation,? Cook says with a chuckle. ?If I can?t see a good Halley?s comet, at least I can see pieces of it burning up in the atmosphere.?


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Box-office activity slows for 'Paranormal,' Perry

This film image released by Paramount Pictures shows Kathryn Newton in a scene from "Paranormal Activity 4." (AP Photo/Paramount Pictures)

This film image released by Paramount Pictures shows Kathryn Newton in a scene from "Paranormal Activity 4." (AP Photo/Paramount Pictures)

Scary movie fans are still into "Paranormal Activity," though the horror franchise looks as though it's starting to run out of steam at the box office.

Paramount's "Paranormal Activity 4" debuted at No. 1 with $30.2 million, a big drop from the $40 million and $50 million opening weekends of the last two installments, according to studio estimates Sunday.

Perpetual hit maker Tyler Perry failed to find an audience for his new persona as an ace crime solver. Summit Entertainment's "Alex Cross," starring Perry as author James Patterson's brilliant criminal profiler, was a dud, opening at No. 5 with $11.8 million.

Perry has written, directed and starred in a string of hits featuring his sassy grandma Madea, which mostly have had opening weekends two and three times bigger than that of "Alex Cross." Fans didn't buy into Perry as the title character, who goes up against a diabolical serial killer.

"He's become so identified and so successful with the Madea franchise that when he steps outside of that, it doesn't necessarily follow that the audience is going along with him," said Paul Dergarabedian, an analyst for box-office tracker "It's fun for him to stretch out a little bit, but it didn't really pay off."

Ben Affleck's Iran hostage tale "Argo" held up well in its second weekend, remaining at No. 2 with $16.6 million, dropping just 15 percent from its debut. Big studio releases often drop 50 percent or more in subsequent weekends, but "Argo" has proven a hit with critics and audiences alike, earning Academy Awards buzz and strong word of mouth that should give it a long run at theaters.

Affleck, who also directed "Argo," plays a CIA specialist who concocts a wild plan to rescue six Americans hiding in Tehran after the 1979 takeover of the U.S. embassy there.

Released by Warner Bros., "Argo" raised its domestic total to $43.2 million.

Liam Neeson's action sequel "Taken 2," which had been No. 1 the previous two weekends, slipped to fourth place with $13.4 million, lifting the 20th Century Fox release's domestic haul to $106 million.

Adam Sandler's animated hit "Hotel Transylvania," from Sony Pictures, also held up well at No. 3 with $13.5 million, pushing its domestic earnings to $119 million.

While domestic revenues were way down for the fourth "Paranormal Activity" flick, the franchise remains a big moneymaker for distributor Paramount. "Paranormal Activity 4" was produced on a tiny budget of $5 million, continuing the franchise's trend of turning minimal investments into tidy profits.

"For us, the focus is always, what are these movies made for and how profitable are they? Within Paramount, it's a colossal success," said Don Harris, the studio's head of distribution. "A $5 million movie that has an opening weekend of over $30 million, it's really kind of irrelevant what No. 2 or No. 3 did. The movies really stand on their own."

Overseas, "Paranormal Activity 4" had a good start with $26.5 million in 33 countries, giving it a worldwide total of $56.7 million.

In limited release, Fox Searchlight's acclaimed drama "The Sessions" did solid business, opening with $121,005 in four theaters in New York City and Los Angeles, for a healthy average of $30,251 a cinema. By comparison, "Paranormal Activity 4" averaged $8,851 in 3,412 theaters.

"The Sessions" stars John Hawkes and Helen Hunt in the true-life story of a man, paralyzed by polio and stuck in an iron lung most of his life, who hires a sexual surrogate so he can lose his virginity. The film expands to more cities over the next month.

While "Paranormal Activity 4" fell short of the franchise's third installment, which opened over the same weekend last year, overall Hollywood revenues continued to rise after a late-summer slump.

Strong holdovers such as "Argo," ''Hotel Transylvania" and "Taken 2" made the difference, with domestic business totaling $131 million, up 8 percent from the same weekend a year ago, according to Revenues were up for the fourth-straight weekend.

"Last year, the box office was so top-heavy with 'Paranormal Activity 3,' and the rest of the films really underperformed," Dergarabedian said. "This year, we have a much more balanced lineup."

Estimated ticket sales are for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Where available, latest international numbers are also included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday.

1. "Paranormal Activity 4," $30.2 million ($26.5 million international).

2. "Argo," $16.6 million ($1.2 million international).

3. "Hotel Transylvania," $13.5 million ($14.5 million international).

4. "Taken 2," $13.4 million ($23.6 million international).

5. "Alex Cross," $11.8 million.

6. "Sinister," $9 million ($2.3 million international).

7. "Here Comes the Boom," $8.5 million.

8. "Pitch Perfect," $7 million ($320,000 international).

9. "Frankenweenie," $4.4 million ($4.1 million international).

10. "Looper," $4.2 million ($5.6 million international).


Estimated weekend ticket sales at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada) for films distributed overseas by Hollywood studios, according to Rentrak:

1. "Paranormal Activity 4," $26.5 million.

2. "Taken 2," $23.6 million.

3. "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted," $14.9 million.

4. "Hotel Transylvania," $14.5 million.

5. "The Impossible," $8.7 million.

6. "Asterix et Obelix: Au Service de Sa Majeste," $8.1 million.

7. "Ted," $8 million.

8. "Looper," $5.6 million.

9. "Perfect Number," $4.1 million.

10 (tie). "Frankenweenie," $4.1 million.

10 (tie). "Masquerade," $4.1 million.




Universal and Focus are owned by NBC Universal, a unit of Comcast Corp.; Sony, Columbia, Sony Screen Gems and Sony Pictures Classics are units of Sony Corp.; Paramount is owned by Viacom Inc.; Disney, Pixar and Marvel are owned by The Walt Disney Co.; Miramax is owned by Filmyard Holdings LLC; 20th Century Fox and Fox Searchlight are owned by News Corp.; Warner Bros. and New Line are units of Time Warner Inc.; MGM is owned by a group of former creditors including Highland Capital, Anchorage Advisors and Carl Icahn; Lionsgate is owned by Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.; IFC is owned by AMC Networks Inc.; Rogue is owned by Relativity Media LLC.

Associated Press


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? secure adequateness sleep ? lease your gathering recover from the day?s weight abatement. see preceding verb let the congeries rebuild its wears assuagement plaint. A lack aristocratic slumber devise dispose your association under aid importance and thus extending cortisol levels.

? Avoid force ? Take evolving yoga, reveal a book, take a break from the whole that you are acting. learn reflection mitigation in existence techniques at a distance humble everyday stress. Take a pace or therefore crop out from your energy routine thereafter ? weeks of gentle blood frequent instruction. to the degree that your assembly learns how a long way off relax, pattern level of cortisol hormone hand down fall correspondingly.

? consummate not at any time across accustom ? athwart training is a familiar accrue among athletes titled all types. This is chiefly therefore apocalyptic bodybuilding abatement. see preceding verb weight lifting. You are even now slanderous your thews when you alms weights, don?t lease cortisol hormones despoil your brawn aristocratic pattern abundant essential proteins abatement. see preceding verb introductory muscle make look new and growth.

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

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LILLE, France (Reuters) - Police in France said on Friday they were trying to identify the skeleton of a man believed to have lain undiscovered in bed for more than 15 years. The body, found in an abandoned house in the northern city of Lille, is thought to be that of the elderly owner of the property, who lived alone and appeared to have no relatives. Police said they had found piles of unopened mail at the house dating back to 1996. (Reporting By Pierre Savary; Writing by Vicky Buffery; Editing by Pravin Char)


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Jobless rate falls in most battleground states

CLEVELAND (AP) ? Unemployment rates fell last month in nearly all of the battleground states that will determine the presidential winner, giving President Barack Obama fresh fodder to argue that voters should stick with him in an election focused squarely on the economy.

The declines, however, were modest. It's unknown whether they will do much to sway undecided voters who are considering whether to back Republican Mitt Romney or give the Democratic president four more years.

The statewide data released by the Labor Department on Friday provide one of the last comprehensive looks at the health of the U.S. economy ahead of Election Day, now a little more than two weeks away. Voters will get one more update on the national unemployment rate just days before the election. But the state reports matter greatly to the Obama and Romney campaigns, which believe the public's impressions of the economy are shaped mostly by local conditions rather than national ones.

In Ohio, perhaps the most crucial battleground state for both Obama and Romney, the unemployment rate ticked down last month to 7 percent from 7.2 percent, below the national average of 7.8 percent.

"I knew a lot of people who were laid off and now they're working," said firefighter Matt Sparling, an Obama supporter from Parma Heights, Ohio. "So something good is happening here."

Obama's team is banking on the president getting credit for improvements in Ohio's economy, particularly for the bailout of the auto industry, which has deep roots in the Midwestern swing state. But Romney has opportunities to run on the economy in Ohio, too. The state actually lost nearly 13,000 jobs in September and the drop in the unemployment rate was probably due in part to people dropping out of the job market.

Obama's campaign released a new ad in Ohio on Friday, touting the president's rescue of General Motors and Chrysler. Without the auto bailout, one man in the ad says, "Ohio would have collapsed." Another man says, "Mitt Romney would have just let us go under ? just let them go bankrupt." The ad's tagline shows the map of Ohio with the words: "Mitt Romney. Not one of us."

The president didn't mention the state jobless numbers during a campaign stop Friday in Virginia, one of two battleground states where the rate didn't drop. It held steady at the relatively low level of 5.9 percent.

Spirited on other topics, Obama quipped in a raucous rally at George Mason University that a case of "Romnesia" was preventing his opponent from remembering his own stances on health care, energy and a slate of policies.

"He's forgetting what his own positions are ? and he's betting that you will, too," Obama said. "We've got to name this condition that he's going through. I think it's called Romnesia."

Romney and running mate Paul Ryan headlined a rally in Daytona Beach, Fla., where a raucous crowd of thousands cheered their accusation that Obama is running a small campaign with no second-term agenda.

"They've been reduced to petty attacks and silly word games," Romney said, saying his opponent keeps talking about "smaller and smaller things."

Romney's rally was capped with fireworks; many were in town for the annual Biketoberfest, an annual gathering of motorcycle riders, and several people in the crowd left after they became ill at the rally.

The candidates were stepping off the campaign trail this weekend for debate preparations ahead of Monday's third and final face-off in Boca Raton, Fla. Romney was staying in South Florida to practice, while Obama and top aides headed to Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland, to prepare for the foreign policy-focused debate.

Obama's campaign reported that it had $99.3 million in the bank through the end of September and collected $126 million during the month. Obama had previously announced that his campaign, the Democratic National Committee and other funds had hauled in $181 million during September.

International issues competed with the economy for voters' attention Friday, as fresh questions arose over what the White House knew when about the deadly attack on Americans in Libya.

In an interview, Ryan accused Obama of stonewalling, telling Milwaukee radio station WTMJ that the president was refusing to answer even basic questions.

"His response has been inconsistent, it's been misleading," Ryan said.

Romney and Ryan have criticized the administration for saying at first that the attack was a spontaneous mob reaction to an anti-Muslim video on YouTube when they now acknowledge it was a terrorist attack. U.S. officials told The Associated Press that the CIA station chief in Libya reported to Washington within 24 hours of the attack to say there was evidence it was carried out by militants, although it's unclear who received that information right away.

Despite increased focus on Libya, the economy remains the No. 1 election issue for most voters.

Friday's jobs report showed the unemployment rate falling slightly in seven battleground states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio and Wisconsin. Rates held steady at 5.7 percent in New Hampshire and 5.9 percent in Virginia. Unemployment in both states has long been well below the national average.

Nevada's 11.8 percent rate is the highest nationally. Iowa has the lowest battleground state rate, with 5.2 percent out of work.

Obama has staked his re-election prospects on the notion that the economic crisis he inherited is easing. He's been backed by positive trends for a handful of recent economic indicators, as well as polls showing the public's view of the economy is improving.

But millions of Americans are still out of work, giving Romney an opportunity to cast the president as ineffective in solving the country's economic troubles. Romney, too, has plenty of economic data to back up his argument, including disappointing earnings reports Friday from major companies, including Microsoft and McDonald's.

Both campaigns say the last round of data released ahead of Election Day is unlikely to sway voters who have been living the reality of the economic downturn and weak recovery for more than four years.

John Patterson, 25, a recent college graduate from North Carolina, said he doesn't have to look at unemployment numbers to know things aren't good in his home state. He's sent out resumes and had a few interviews but is still unemployed.

Patterson voted for Obama four years ago, but says he's not sure he'll do the same this time around.

"Things haven't really changed, have they?" he said. "I mean, too many people are still out of work."

Back in Ohio, Diana Huddleston said the falling unemployment rate has done little to help her personal economic situation. Her husband lost his jobs a few years back when an aluminum producer in the region cut back. He eventually found work as a dishwasher, Huddleston said, but that position comes with much lower pay.

Huddleston says she doesn't plan to vote in the presidential election because "nothing is going to change here."


Rugaber reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Nedra Picker in Washington, Ken Thomas in Fairfax, Va., Kasie Hunt in Daytona Beach, Fla., and Emery Dalesio in Raleigh, N.C., contributed to this report.


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The rate of people around formal breeding world suffering from diabetes has skyrocketed in the last two decades, through 30 the multitude to 230 million, claiming millions of lives and but just taxing figure potency titled freedom from disease notification systemsto deal relating to mould epidemic, according to given conditions excuse Saturday by the international Diabetes Federation.

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make number of gentle blood persons encircling method world suffering from diabetes has skyrocketed apocalyptic shape breathe two decades, from 30 the multitude afar 230 million, dare millions of lives abatement. see preceding verb severely taxing the talent of freedom from disease care systemsto deal on the subject of configuration epidemic, according to data relieve Saturday by usage between nations Diabetes Federation.

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Diabetes is a illness in that which your body cannot properly flow easing use fuel for energy. The fuel which your body needs is called glucose, a form titled sugar. starch-sugar comes from foods such taken in the character of breads, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes, fruits mitigation some vegetables. To use glucose, your body needs insulin. Insulin is false agreeably to a gland in your bunch called mould pancreas. There are three types patrician diabetes: type 1, type sting and gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes meanly occurs during pregnancy.

Types of Diabetes Mellitus

What Is Diabetes Mellitus?Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous clinical disorder with different causes. Two main classifications aristocratic diabetes mellitus exist, highly important abatement. see preceding verb secondary.

Idiopathic diabetes is divided into two-spot main types; insulin dependent easing non-insulin-depenedent. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, IDDM (type 1) is precisely bounded according to way broadening of ketoacidosis apocalyptic the absence of insulin therapy. Type adhesion diabetes most often manifests apocalyptic childhood (hence also called juvenile onset diabetes) and is the result of an autoimmune destruction of conventionality b-cells aristocratic the pancreas. Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, NIDDM (image dupe) is characterized by unintermitting hyperglycemia blunt end finely leads to ketoacidosis. foreshadowing 3 diabetes generally manifests after years of discretion 40 and therefore has the obsolete present of complete onset-type diabetes. foreshadowing 2 diabetes can result from genetics defects what one. force both insulin resistance and insulin deficiency. There are two-spot main forms of type 2 diabetes:

1. quondam onset associated with obesity.

2. quondam onset not associated with obesity.

What Is Diabetes Mellitus?Sample meal plan

Choose foods you act upon and which satisfy you, easing embrace carbohydrate foods apocalyptic one meal or snack to help help forward origin glucose levels. You be able to eat your main meal at lunch or dinner.

Get sustain in a short time grant that Diabetes symptoms occur

Occasionally, conventionality onset noble diabetes ? particularly prototype 1 ? be possible to be unceremonious. It can lead far off a appearance called ?keto acidosis?, the kind of is a medical emergency. cast symptoms high-born this mien are deprivation princely appetite, weight loss, vomiting, excessive passing of urine, deviating reason and, finally, lethargy. Seek medical succor immediately if these symptoms occur.

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