Friday, October 19, 2012

National Education Group Backed by Gates to Shut Down ...

October 19, 2012, 10:35 am

Communities for Teaching Excellence launched two years ago with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, plans to close next month, writes the Los Angeles Times.

The Los Angeles-based group advocated for Gates-backed proposals, including the development of controversial teacher-evaluation systems in school districts that have also received grants from the foundation.

Chairwoman Amy Wilkins said the group?s board voted to shut it down, with the agreement of the Gates foundation, because it had underperformed in generating media coverage and building local coalitions. ?The inventors of this organization had envisioned more robust activity at the local level than we were achieving,? she said.

Ms. Wilkins said the group also suffered from perceptions that it was a ?phony-baloney front? for the foundation, a major player in U.S. education policy, which provided three-quarters of its revenue.

Read a Chronicle of Philanthropy article about how charities scramble to adapt to the shifting priorities of foundations.

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