Thursday, November 29, 2012

Article Marketing will Get the Best Link Popularity for an Online

As an online business owner your success depends on the amount of targeted traffic that you manage to generate to your website. Link popularity is a term used to measure the number and quality of links to your website that happens when other websites link to yours. Focusing on building links to your website is where you need to concentrate your efforts.

There are a number of different methods that you can use to begin building back links to your website, but the majority of them take time and a certain amount of effort, and some of them can also be a pretty tedious and boring task to undertake. As long as search engines continue to rank your website by measuring the link popularity you will have to keep working on link building practices. Unfortunately it is not the kind of thing that you can do once and forget about it.

The good thing about building link popularity to your online business website is that it need not be difficult, as you can vary the tasks involved to make it more interesting to do. Here are some of the ways that you can get links to your site, keeping in mind that one way back links are superior to any other kind.

Commenting on other peoples? blogs or in forums is a good way to build links as you can usually add a link to your website within your signature. You can submit your website to the various search engines or you can do article marketing, which is in my opinion is one of the best and least boring ways of building link popularity to a website.

Admittedly it does take more time to write and submit articles to article directories than it takes to submit your website or comment in forums but the rewards can be so much greater when it is done correctly.

The secret to writing and submitting articles to get the links to your online business website is to do the job consistently. This can often be difficult for many internet marketers, but there is a solution and that is to outsource the writing of your articles to someone else. There are thousands of freelance article writers online and many of them can be found on websites such as, but if you know your subject and your audience well then it is usually quicker and better to write your own articles.

If you decide that you would rather have someone else ghost write your articles then make sure that you supply them with the keywords you want them to focus on. In the beginning it is best to use keyword phrases which are less competitive as this will give you the opportunity of getting your website ranked more quickly. You can find good keywords to use by researching them using a tool like Google Adwords which is free to use. The more focused and relevant your keywords are the better the one way back links to your website will be.

You can develop your own article marketing strategy, but one way to do it is to write say five articles in one day, in other words make a day that you do nothing but write articles, and then trickle the submission to the various directories. If you are short of time there are some excellent article submission sites that will submit your articles for you and they will submit to hundreds of article directories. Some of them even have a service where they will trickle you articles so that they are spread out over a period of time to the different directories, and they also have the software for you to basically spin the article so that the same article appears differently in the various directories.

It is well worth investing in an article submitting service as they can do the job much more efficiently than you can yourself and it will save you many hours of boring labor. Another way to build link popularity to your online business website is by bookmarking your articles which will increase traffic to your site and improve the number of sales that you make.


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